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District Liaison
V.W. Bro. Gerry Ouellette
(416) 412-1572

Youth Activities
Bro. Andrew McDonald
(289) 387-1919


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Masonic Youth Programs

Three distinct youth programs exist in Ontario which are affiliated with Freemasonry. They are Job's Daughters International, Demolay and The International Order of the Rainbow Girls. The Masonic youth progams require our participation and financial support in order to remain active and grow.

In 2007, at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, M. W. Bro. Allan J. Petrisor, established a Youth Initiatives Committee to fully explore how Masons in the province could further provide support for the Masonic Youth Groups in Ontario, such as the Rainbow for Girls, Job’s Daughters and DeMolay for boys.

image credit: veer.com

Job's Daughters International

Founded in Omaha, Nebraska in 1920, Job’s Daughter’s International is an Order whose purpose is to band together young girls with Masonic Relationship from ages 10‐20 for character building through moral and spiritual development by teaching:

A greater reverence for God
Loyalty to the Flag and the Country for which it stands
Respect for parents and guardians

There are currently Job's Daughter's Bethels in Canada, the United States, Australia, Brazil & the Philippines. The organization encourages its members to be a significant influence for good, and it is not only involved with charitable work, but also promotes education through scholarships, and social development through competitive events and parties.

Demolay (Ontario)

Started in 1919, DeMolay is a fraternal organization for young men between the ages of 12 and 21. In order to join DeMolay, a young man must be at least 12 years old, be younger than 21, believe in God/a Supreme Being, and strive to be a good person.

Through two degrees, DeMolay teaches seven precepts or basic life principles upon which DeMolay members should base their lives :

Love of Parents (Filial Love), Reverence for Sacred Things,
Courtesy, Comradeship, Fidelity (faithfulness),
Cleanness & Patriotism

DeMolay is an organization dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands‐on experience, DeMolay opens its doors to young men aged 12 to 21 by developing civic awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills so vitally needed in society today. DeMolay combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds important bonds of friendship among members in more than 1,000 chapters worldwide.

International Order of the Rainbow Girls

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a fun and dynamic organization that embraces women between the ages 11‐21, regardless of race or religious background. Rainbow motivates girls to achieve their life goals, build their self confidence and encourages them to ‘make a difference’ in their home and community.

Being a Rainbow Girl can open many doors. She will attend monthly meetings that are run by girls, attend fun events, enjoy many opportunities to travel and make friends from around the world. Membership in Rainbow develops confidence and strong leadership skills that will continue
to guide her in her future.

Rainbow encourages girls to practice many lessons in her everyday life. These lessons include, but are not limited to:

Self‐respect, loving others, respect for religion and culture,
caring for the environment, keeping her word,
and striving to be an active citizen who can make a difference in
the community, city and country.

V.W. Bro. Gerry Ouellette (416) 412-1572

Doric Pickering Masonic Hall
Meeting the 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. & 3rd Sunday, 2:30 p.m.

Doric Pickering Masonic Hall
Meeting the 2nd & 4th Sunday, 2:00 p.m.


From the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Grand Session on August 4 to 6th, 2011

Youth of the Year award, the winner was ”Emily Beaudoin of Ottawa assembly No.3” for 2010-2011

Middle Photo: R. W. Bro. Alan Brown, V. W. Bro. Gerry Ouellette, Emily Beaudoin and the Youth Initiation Committee of G.L. ,chairman R. W. Bro. William J. Atkinson

Right Photo: V. W. Bro. Gerry Ouellette, R. W. Bro. Donald A. Campbell The D.G.M. and Emily Beaudoin, R. W. Bro. William J. Atkinson.

Additionally, on the left is Miss Lorraine Ball, she is the 2011 -2012 Grand Worthy Adviser of the International Order of Rainbow girls in Canada ( Equal to our Grand Master) and she is from our own district,  Toronto Assembly No.2  and also on the right, Ontario Provincial Sweetheart for DeMolay Ontario, Miss Christina Ouellette and Provincial Master Councillor, Mr. Andrew McDonald, they are also from our District, Horace Mundy Chapter.

Mr. Andrew McDonald has been awarded the Distinguished Service Award by DeMolay Canada for his continued distinguished and meritorious service to the cause and goals of DeMolay in Ontario. The presentation will take place at the DeMolay Convention on November 12th, 2011 by Dad Ernest G. Loiselle, President of DeMolay Canada and Executive Officer for the Ontario Jurisdiction.

Above is the Dragon Boat race in Stratford ON on Saturday, September 17th 2011, "O MY Pirates" stand for "Ontario Masonic Youth Pirates"

Above is the District Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Keith Jones presenting the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls with a District Donation at their annual installation on January 15th, 2012.

Youth of the Year award, the winner was ”Miss Christina C. Ouellette from Toronto assembly No.2” for 2012-2013

(076) Photo: R.W. Bro. Bruce N. Palanik D.D.G. M. Toronto East District , M.W. Bro. D. Garry Dowling, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the province of Ontario , Miss Christina C. Ouellette and . R.W. Bro. William J. Atkinson the Youth Initiation Committee chairman .

The two winners of the Youth Award Jad Ltief (Ottawa DeMolay) and Kaitlyn Erin Davies (Toronto Assembly Rainbow Girls) along with the DDGM from Hamilton (A) R.W. Bro. Jeffery Baker and our Chairman Bill Atkinson

On August 7-8-9 2014 we attended The International Order of the Rainbow for girls Forty-Ninth Grand Assembly of Canada.

Our new chairman of the Youth initiated Committee of Grand Lodge R.W. Bro. Keith Jones and our Grand Master M. W. Bro. Donald A. Campbell presenting the award for the youth of the year to Miss Janine Magilson of Primrose No. 8, of Brampton assembly.


Photo Albums

Click here to download the
Youth Initiatives Committee Mandate for 2012-2013

Toronto East District supports Masonic youth!



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