Current Lodge Officers |
Worshipful Master |
W. Bro. Alek Lemajic |
I.P.M. |
W. Bro. Ryan McClelland |
Senior Warden |
Bro. Clifford Evans |
Junior Warden |
Bro. Peter Zarucki |
Chaplain |
W. Bro. John Reeves |
Treasurer |
V. W. Bro Kenneth Fralick |
Secretary |
V. W. Bro Clinton Sturgeon |
Assistant Secretary |
Bro. Michael Carey |
Senior Deacon |
Bro. James McLellan |
Junior Deacon |
Bro. Cary DeDura |
Dir. of Ceremonies |
W. Bro. Stephen Smith |
Inner Guard |
W. Bro. Mike O’Sullivan |
Senior Steward |
Bro. Nick Stojicic |
Junior Steward |
W. Bro. Robert Steenson |
Tyler |
Historian |
V.W. Bro Michael Ikonomidis |
Organist |
Contact Information |
Name |
V. W. Bro Clinton Sturgeon |
Phone Number: |
905-427-2689 |
Email |
History of
On May 20, 1975 the W. Master of Doric Lodge # 424 W.Bro. Terence Shand wrote a letter to the Past Masters and Officers of Doric Lodge # 424 requesting a meeting for June 11, 1975 to discuss a proposal by W. Bro. John Stork, Past Master of Doric Lodge #424 in 1920 and 1936, to form a new Lodge.
The reason: The growth of the membership of Doric Lodge exceeding more than 200 members was causing long time delays, more than 6 months, for the initiation of new members.
The proposal was approved. The new Lodge would meet in the Doric building and several names for it were proposed, such as: Dufferin, W.K. Bailey, Pickering, Nuclear, Dunbarton and Friendship.
The name Friendship, proposed by the W. Master T. Shand, was chosen because it was based on the building formerly being called “The Friend’s Meeting House”.
At a meeting on September 18, 1975 by a committee consisting of: R.W. Bro. C.E. Morley, V.W.Bro. R.D. Rahmer, presiding. W.Bro. H. Anderson, secretary. W.Bro’s L. White, T. Shand, E.C. Green, and Bro’s A. McInnes, I. Henderson, D. Dirstein, S. Robinson and J. Lester, ratified/decided by vote that:
a. The name of the new Lodge will be “Friendship”.
b. W.Bro. E.C. Green moved, seconded by Bro. S. Robinson that as per the district trestle board the second Wednesday of the month would be the most suitable date for meeting.
c. Bro. I. Henderson moved, seconded by Bro. J. Lester that the charter fees will be $50.00, plus first year’s dues of $35.00.
d. The Principal Officers were selected to be:
W.M.: W. Bro. E.C. Green
S.W.: A Past Master to be appointed by E.C. Green
J.W.: Bro. I. Henderson
IPM: W.Bro. L. White
Sec.: W.Bro. H. Anderson
Treas.: V.W.Bro. R.D. Rahmer
e. Appeal to Grand Lodge that the new lodge remains in Toronto District #3 and not in Ontario District. Note: This was later granted, and assigned the Number 729 in the G.R.C.
The Friendship Lodge #729 was Constituted and Consecrated by the Grand Master M.W.Bro. E.W. Nancekivell, with R.W.Bro. C.E. Drew D.D.G.M. of Toronto District #3 present, on March 10, 1976.
The Installation on the officers took place on November 17, 1976.
The Lodge started with a membership of 39 consistingof: 15 Officers, 20 Charter Members, and 4 new members.
Friendship Lodge #729 celebrated its 25th anniversary with a ceremony on March 30, 2001 at the Lodge room, and a Banquet by invitation of 50 couples on November 3, 2001 at the 4 Seasons Golf & Country Club.
Compiled by V.W.Bro. Michael S. Ikonomidis
Historian - Friendship Lodge # 729. March 24, 2008
References: Records of M.W.Bro. Terence Shand
Notes of W.Bro. Dave Cowman (Past Historian)
Installation 2012
Official Visit 2012
Installation 2013
Official Visit 2013
Installation 2014
Official Visit 2014
Installation 2015
2015-3rd Degree at Verulum lodge, Bobcageon.
Installation 2018
Installation 2019
Installation of Lodge Officers 2019
2019 SW with 7 Grand Senior Wardens
2019 SW BBQ Chefs
2019 SW BBQ DDGM Presents Donation to WindReach FarmsPrese
2019 S.W BBQ Games
2019 SW BBQ Lucky Winner
2019 SW BBQ Rainbow Girls