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For information about upcoming Special Events in the District , please choose a month from the list below

To add an event to the District calendar, please send and email with the details of the event to:
V.W. Bro. Chito Faminial

Navigate the District events section using the menu to the left.

With the many events happening throughout the Masonic year, the Freemason's of the Toronto East District Lodges are very busy people. The activities which Freemason's engage in are not limited to the Lodge room, in fact, Mason's are some of the most engaged people you will ever meet when it comes to community outreach.

In addition to Lodge related actities, each year Freemason's from across Toronto East District devote thousands of hours to local projects, charities and dedicating their time to improve themselves and the local communities which they call home.

This section of the website will keep you up to date on the many activities underway in Toronto East District. Events listed are classified into the following categories:

Lodge events
Special events
Training Workshops/Seminars
Community Events

Bookmark this page and come back often as we will be updating it weekly as new District events are announced.


Click here to SUBSCRIBE to the live internet web calendar by clicking here.

Please note: Most Android phones do not automatically support clicking on the above link. Please copy and paste the link into your Google Calendar on the phone to subscribe.

Please check the Events Calendar and District Newsletters for exact times, banquet and ticket information if any.

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